
How the California Wildfires Are Impacting Tourism

Randall Benton / Sacramento Bee/MCT

California tourism must cope with a lack of affordable housing for service workers trying to live in areas ravaged by wildfires. Pictured, Pamela Harris sheds tears as she closes the doors of her Pine Mountain Deli after 10 years in business in Groveland, Calf., on October 18, 2013. Businesses in the area of Yosemite National Park took a double hit as first the Rim Fire wildfires kept visitors away followed by the federal budget shutdown of the park. Randall Benton / Sacramento Bee/MCT

Skift Take: Several years of devastating wildfires have taken a toll on California tourism but have not affected overall visitor numbers. Instead, the fires have changed the way the state markets itself and made it harder for tourism employees to live in California.

— Maria Lenhart

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