Finnair Considering Layoffs to Deal With Coronavirus Downturn
A Finnair jet. The airline considering temporary layoffs. Phil Noble / Reuters
A Finnair jet. The airline considering temporary layoffs. Phil Noble / Reuters
The quarantine of the Diamond Princess is among factors driving cruise cancellations and postponements. Princess Cruises
An American Airlines Airbus A321T. Anna Zvereva / Flickr
A Wizz Air A321. The airline may cut capacity by 10 percent in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Wizz AIr
More airlines are launching ultra-long-haul flights, making it easier for travelers to fly nonstop between large cities. Skift
Most millennials today are parents, and they’re changing family travel. A young dad plays with his son on the beach. Pixaby / Pexels
Saudi Arabia last week also shut down the two holiest sites of Islam in Mecca and Madina (pictured here) to foreign travelers. Shaihana AlMutairi /
Roger Dow, the CEO of U.S. Travel Association U.S. Travel
The Art Nouveau Palace Hotel Prague. European commissioner for Internal Markets Thierry Breton on Monday told a French television station that the estimated financial toll of the virus on the tourism industry in Europe amounts to roughly $1.1 billion per month. A.Davey / Flickr
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